Monday, 24 April 1978
By autostrade through very interesting country – irrigated, rice, fruit trees pruned so branches run in a straight line. Very fast road. Some difficulty finding hotel. Very nice hotel.
Lunch in Rome. Afternoon sightseeing around the old city. Stopped at Piazzo Venetia and looked at Michelangelo-designed steps to old Forum that has been excavated.
Visited the Colossium. It really lives up to the word. Says it only took 8 years to build. It is a maze of tunnels underneath.
Looked at Rome from Michelangelo’s Square that has a bronze statue of David. Very hazy and bridges and river not very clear. Remains of old Roman wall and tower on hill. Drove up the Farvole Hills past many of the villas that were owned by the richer section.
At night went around to see Rome by floodlight but I couldn’t see many floodlights – must have a different meaning. Drizzle rain made it hard to see out of the windows.
Stopped at the [Trevi] Fountain to throw in two coins for me and one coin for Elsie. Alan’s and Bob’s kids wouldn’t let me throw them all in at once.
Called in at a night club for a FREE WINE and be serenaded by two men, two women and three instrumentalists. One singer then took the tambourine around.
The whole night was something like the weather – a bit of a washout.