Author Archives: Jennie

Transferring Blog Posts

Welcome to my new website.

Prior to starting this site I had an under-utilised Blogger account with two or three dozen posts small enough to easily transfer the posts to this site.

Seven sons of Thomas EdenboroughAnd, to start the ball rolling, this photo is of the seven sons of Thomas and Harriet EDENBOROUGH (nee WHITFIELD). Back row (l to r): Frank Dudley (1843-1897), Frederick (1842-1931), Clarence Marsland (1846-pre-1891), Wellesley Maxwell (1852-1897). Sitting (l to r): Edward Montague (1850-1940), Charles (1840-1897) and Melville (1855-1945).

There were also four sisters Harriet, Rosa, Jemima and Florence but I haven’t located a picture of any of them as yet.