May is Memory Month

Fiona Brooker from Memories in Time has alerted me to May being Memory Month. On her website, Fiona wrote: “As family historians we are really great at recording the past, but sometimes we just need to pause for a while and record some of our own memories.”

So to get people writing about themself, Fiona is posting daily prompts throughout May to get us started.  As I am starting this half way through May, I need to quickly catch up.

May 1: Every time I hear the song … I remember …

Science Fiction, Double Feature.  The lead-in song to Richard O’Brien’s amazing Rocky Horror PIcture Show – a truly out of this world experience. I can remember exactly everytime I have seen the show, both on stage and as a movie … the audience participation, the Time Warp, the narration, the costumes, who I was with, everything!

As a huge fan of the 1975 film, Tim Curry as Dr Frank N. Furter has always been the benchmark I used for comparing later versions until actress, Laverne Cox, broke the benchmark with her portrayal of Frank N. Furter in the 2016 Fox television movie Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let’s Do the Time Warp Again.